If there was a lien holder they would pay the taxes and not allow the houses to be lost at auction….also in most states they do not require lien holders to be paid.
- Also, I show lists of hundreds of thousands of dollars owed to the former owner. Mortgages are wiped out by tax sales and if the mortgage companies did want money they would have applied for the money and it would not be on the overage list.
- This is why we show you how to go after the tax sale foreclosures and NOT the mortgage foreclosuers. If you worked mortgage foreclosures that would be a problem.
- There is little point to asking “how are properties lost” or “why are they lost” they are stupid questions. They can se from the examples there are millions of dollars sitting out there. Each house has some unique story that makes no difference – the end result is there is money sitting there waiting to be claimed.