Janet Walker just wanted to earn an honest living doing work she loved. She tried many things (house flipping, wholesaling and 32 years in the apparel industry) to achieve this dream, but all required back-breaking work.
She was spending long hours on overseas trips to China for merchandising, or dust-filled days sorting through ramshackle homes filled with strangers’ belongings as a home flipper. Apart from the tiring work, she felt very unrewarded and unfulfilled.
On the verge of quitting the apparel business,, she received an email from Bob Diamond describing an opportunity to make lots of money while helping others and NOT having to invest in real estate or sort through other peoples’ homes.

The Government Doesn’t Want Home Owners To Know About This Secret Money
Janet needed no further convincing after that. She signed up for Bob Diamond’s course to learn all about this tax overages business. She soon learned that it was possible to help dozens of people a year recover funds from their foreclosed upon houses.
The craziest part was…the government was just holding onto this money in their own secret slush fund. So the home owners had no idea there were 5 or 6 figures in unclaimed funds just sitting in government bank accounts that they were entitled to!
The way this works is when a home is sold for more than the unpaid property taxes that were owed, that excess money sits in a government fund for up to a year. The former home owners are entitled to that money, which is called a “tax overage.”
The truly shocking part is that there are $14 million in unclaimed tax overage funds that the government is collecting DAILY. That’s potentially life-changing money that at the very least could put someone on the path to recovery.
Imagine what someone going through a devastating financial loss after foreclosing on a home could do with those funds. Restart their lives, rent an apartment, invest in some new skills, whatever they needed.
This was exactly what Janet Walker was looking for--a rare opportunity to make great money while doing good in the world and changing peoples’ lives…without exhausting travel and long hours away from home.
After three years in this very rewarding business, Janet has been able to collect $3 million in unclaimed funds on the behalf of homeowners. While collecting a very generous 40% of those funds by doing all the paperwork and legwork.
An Actual “Robin Hood” Business That Generates 5-Figure Profits For You While Giving Back
She didn’t hesitate to purchase a course that not only explains how this system of collecting tax overages from the government works, but gives complete instructions for how to collect this owed money on the home owners’ behalf.
The course is called Overages Blueprint--once Janet invested in it she was up and running within a few weeks. She was delighted to find out that no further financial investment was needed to start this highly profitable, 100% work-from-home business.
The real rewards started when she began reaching out to people who were owed tax overages. The amount of stories Janet has of helping grateful people in dire financial straits is long and inspiring.
Like a man who was at the end of a 3 year prison sentence whose property went to sale while he was still incarcerated. She was able to start the process to get him his funds through the prison warden. He got out and after living in a shelter for awhile, was able to use his funds ($13K collected) to get his life back together. His outcome might have been very different without help from Janet and the Tax Overages Blueprint!

Here's Just One of Her Deals in 2020 for $71,529 ($7,100/hr)
Or helping a man who had only 2 weeks left to claim $71,000 in overages he didn’t even know he was entitled to. The home was owned by his father who had been sick for quite some time and had neglected to pay his property taxes because he was also living out of state.
Thanks to a living trust, everything went to his son who Janet found and he was able to use the money to settle his father’s affairs while also assuring an inheritance that might otherwise have been eaten up by debts and taxes. The client was young and very thankful!
There’s an incredible story about helping out an entire family after a woman lost a large home that had been purchased by her husband and his parents. After her husband suddenly passed away, she couldn’t afford to keep the home and her in-laws had passed away too. Janet helped the wife and her siblings so they were able to split the money equally--a whopping $172,000! They were super grateful.
These three stories are just a few out of new ones that come out almost monthly. Janet says her favorite part about this business is “feeling really, really good about helping people.” Her former businesses were just business and she really wasn’t helping people.
“There is no feeling better than being able to call people and say ‘I’m sending you $50,000 today’ and also making money doing it!’ Mind you, those of us who do this carry the burden of things that go wrong and we have to fix them, but what a feeling when you are helping a family in need.”
Paying It Forward Has Had a Life-Changing Impact
There are very few businesses out there today that have this true “steal from the rich, give to the poor” opportunity.
You get to feel good by doing good, and the monetary rewards can be great too.
Imagine putting 8-10 hours of work in (the average amount each deal takes), doing it all from your smartphone or laptop anywhere in the world, and receiving checks for $13,493.07 in 2019 ($1,300/hr) when she first started, and then moving to $71,529 in 2020 ($7,100/hr), and $128,698.05 in 2021 ($12,800/hr).
Currently, checks over $80,000 are the norm for Janet and they are coming in every other month! If you’re someone who enjoys a little bit of sleuthing and problem-solving too, there are some challenging cases you come across at times. Sometimes it can take awhile to find the claimant--even up to a year! This is Janet Walker’s favorite type of case.

Just One of Her Deals in 2021 for $128,698.05 ($12,800/hr). If She Were to Start Over, She Says She Would Start With Bigger Deals Because it's the Same Process and Same Amount of Work.
“I absolutely love this business, helping people and bringing so much relief and joy to people that had no idea the money belonged to them. Blessed to be doing this.”
If you’re ready to find out more about this asset recovery business recovering tax overage funds for people in need, click the link below to find out more.