Just 2 short years ago...Josh Ferree was trapped.
He may have looked successful from the outside, providing for his family with his 6-figure income.
But what Josh really wanted was to spend every day at home with his wife and kids.
All the money he made from his 9 to 5 job was meaningless in comparison to enjoying time with his family.

Josh explored other options for making money, but disappointments and setbacks were all he found for his trouble...
Until he discovered a little-known way to generate income at home, by helping other people recover their own money that the government secretly withheld from them.
Here are a few recent photos of Josh with checks for the money he's reclaimed with his overage business...

And in this photo, he's holding a check for $8,025.30.
What Does Josh Do to Help His Fellow Americans Collect Their Money From the Government?
Right now, you're probably wondering how this is possible. How does the government get this money? Why don't they give it back to the folks it belongs to?
When property taxes go unpaid, the government forecloses upon homes in order to recover the unpaid taxes. Every day, over 3,000 of these properties are sold at auction, and the government takes the amount it's owed in unpaid taxes from the auction profits.
Any additional money from the auction belongs to the former homeowner...but this money tends to just sit in government accounts instead. The difference between what the property sells for and what is owned in taxes is called the Overage. These foreclosure victims have no idea it's there, and if they never collect what they're owed, the government keeps their money.

Here's Josh proudly showing a check for $10,958.83.
That's where folks like Josh come in. Josh learned this business model from America’s Tax Sale Attroney, Bob Diamond. By following Bob’s system, Josh recovers money that belongs to the people who lost their homes, and returns it to them.

And here he is with a check for $11,187.32.
Josh receives a finder's fee from each person he helps--usually 40% of the total amount he recovers. So that's how he's collecting checks for thousands of dollars while helping people in desperate need get their money back...and their hope back, too.

The check he's holding here is for $14,901.89.
As Foreclosure Victims Put Their Lives Back Together...They Need YOUR Help
The overages business is about helping people FIRST. The money comes second. It's the right business for someone who truly wants to help people, and is comfortable making a lot of money.
"Most of the people you deal with in this business have literally just gone through the worst situation of their life," Josh says.
"My wife and I didn't do it for the praise. But once you start to receive it, you realize that there are all these people out there that really do need your help. And the money has been not only life-changing in our lives, but life-changing for a lot of our clients as well."
A lot of people are struggling just to get by these days.

And in this photo, Josh is holding a check for $16,271.14.
Inflation is the highest it's been in about 4 decades, and no one's dollar goes as far as it should.
Our economy has slowed, and many economists say we're already in a recession.
And the war in Europe is making times even tougher. The future looks more uncertain than ever.
But despite these circumstances, Josh's overages business has brought him freedom and economic security.

Here he is with a check for $16,778.84.
Josh Replaced His 6-Figure Salary By Using Bob Diamond's Overages Blueprint
Josh started his overages business 2 years ago, and since then, he's recovered over 1.5 MILLION dollars for his clients, who would never have seen the money otherwise.
Since Josh typically gets 40% of the money from each deal as a finder's fee, he's made quite a lot of money in the past 2 years.
And now he can spend every day with his family. They travel the country whenever they like, and they even started building their dream home.
Thanks to Josh's overages business, his time belongs to him. And his kids don't have to spend another day without their dad.

The check in this next photo is for $32,782.76.
Josh is just one of thousands of ordinary Americans who've used Bob Diamond's Overages Blueprint to receive 5-figure checks, quit their jobs, and--most importantly--help other people who are struggling after losing their homes to tax foreclosure.
Does that sound appealing? Would you like to be Bob’s next success story?
If You Started Collecting Checks From Overages...What Would That Change for You?
What would your life look like if you had time freedom just like Josh?
No more hours spent commuting or reporting to your boss.
No more begging for time off when you need it.
If your time belonged to you and you alone...how would you spend it?
Would you devote yourself to your family? Would you travel? Would you pursue projects you're passionate about?

And this check Josh is showing us is for $39,299.53.
Once you have freedom and money, the sky's the limit.
Are you interested in hearing more about how you can collect your first check from overages? (And your second, and your third...?)
If You're Ready To Start Getting Your Payouts From Overages...
Bob Diamond created a free training to show you exactly what to do.
He guides you through the steps you'll take to generate income for yourself, by helping people in need recover money from overages.
Bob shows you the quick, simple strategy that thousands of people have already used to collect their checks and say goodbye to their 9 to 5 jobs forever.

In this photo, he's holding a check for $48,793.71.
Remember...inflation, the looming recession, and the war in Europe show no signs of letting up. And if you don't take action soon, you're gambling with your financial future.
NOW is the best time to watch Bob's training. The sooner you start, the sooner you'll be free and financially independent...just like Josh.